Watch “The Words,” by Lindsay Bandy

Want to watch a movie this weekend? Try THE WORDS!


There are no car chases, nobody gets naked, and the ending requires some thought and/or discussion to really make sense of it. But, if you have an attention span, get thee to Netflix and put “The Words” in your queue!

This movie captures a writer’s fears, insecurities, desires, and obstacles. But it touches on the human experience of reaching for your dreams, accepting your own limitations, and living your life for what truly matters – the people in it. There is a fantastic ethical dilemma that will keep you sympathizing with the main character. Bradley Cooper is great as Rory Jansen, and I think any writer worth his salt will identify with him in the struggle to remain true to yourself, to balance life and work, to create something that really matters to someone else, and to realize that even if you never “make it,” the people in your life matter more than success – even, and especially, writing success.

So check it out and let me know what you think!

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3 Responses to Watch “The Words,” by Lindsay Bandy

  1. the movie is not available for streaming on your computer, only on the Netflix DVD by mail option. Just fyi.

  2. Virginia Law Manning says:

    Sounds great! Thank you for the recommendation!

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