#LoveMadeVisible Day 2: Michelle Schamis Art + Giveaway!

Bird and Mushroom

by Michelle Schamis
Bird and mushroom

Bird’s Nest Hoarder

by Michelle Schamis

Bird nest hoarder 2

Michelle Schamis is an artist who loves to tell stories with images and words.  Her best work comes from everyday life, hence The Daily Practice name of her blog.

You can find more of Michelle’s artwork at The Daily Practice.   The blog also connects to Flickr/Pinterest/Facebook, and Twitter is @Mschamis.

One random commenter will be the winner of the above pieces, each 3×5 and framed!! The winner will be announced in early March, so feel free to comment throughout the month!

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5 Responses to #LoveMadeVisible Day 2: Michelle Schamis Art + Giveaway!

  1. Tina Holt says:

    Fantastic! Nice work, Michelle!!

  2. Laura Richardson-Gentry says:

    Wow…love the art, love the attitude!

  3. Carleen M. Tjader says:

    Beautiful artwork!

  4. Brinton Culp says:

    Way fun–I loved your work at The Daily Practice (especially I shall now take a siesta 🙂

  5. I look forward to seeing your art in a story –
    It’s appealingly creepy, a la Edward Gorey.

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